

Effect of placental-extract gel and cream
on non-healing wounds

M.K. Singh, V.K. Shukla, S.K. Tiwary, D. Shukla,
A.K. Tripathi, S.K. Agrawal

Journal of Wound Care, Vol. 15, Iss. 7,
01 Jul 2006, pp 325 - 328



Objective: To compare the effects of topical placental-extract gel and cream in the treatment of chronic non-healing wounds with regard to wound healing and discomfort during dressing change.

Methods: A sample of 120 patients attending the wound clinic at University Hospital, Varanasi, India, with wounds of more than six weeks' duration were enrolled into the study. They were alternately allocated to group A (topical application of placental-extract gel) or group B (placental-extract cream). Wound biopsy was performed, and swab culture and sensitivity were taken. Wound size was measured, and visual analogue scale (VAS) scores for pain and discomfort at dressing change were recorded at weekly follow-up in both groups. Biopsy was repeated after two weeks of treatment and sent for histopathological examination for assessment of angiogenesis in 25 cases from each group.

Results: One hundred patients completed the study. More than 50% wound healing was observed after eight weeks in 72% of group A patients and 74% of group B patients (p=0.75). Microscopic angiogenesis grading system (MAGS) scores were similar in both groups (not statistically significant, p=0.92). The VAS scores for pain and discomfort were lower in group B (statistically significant, p<0.02).

Conclusion: Placental-extract gel and cream are both effective topical agents for chronic non-healing wounds. However, there is less pain and discomfort during dressing change with the placental-extract cream, which we thus recommend for topical application in chronic non-healing wounds.

Declaration of interest: None.